Joint Quantitative Brownbag


Dr. John Jackson

Dr. John Jackson
Department of Epidemiology\ Bloomberg School of Public Health

Dr. Jackson is Associate Professor in John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. His primary appointment is in the Department of Epidemiology and he holds joint appointments with the Department of Mental Health and Department of Biostatistics. Dr. Jackson’s methodological work focuses on developing methods for translational health equity research, including measurement, epidemiology, and policy/intervention effects on health iniquities. His research interests are in causal inference, confounding, health disparities, intersectionality, mental health and pharmacoepidemiology.


Evaluating Effects of Interventions on Disparity in Health and Healthcare Decisions


In this talk I will discuss an analytic approach for assessing effects of multilevel interventions on disparity in health outcomes and health-related decision outcomes (i.e., a treatment decision made by a healthcare provider). I will outline three common challenges that are encountered in interventional health disparity research: (1) effect scale and interpretation (2) choice of covariates for adjustment and its impact on effect magnitude (3) methodological challenges involved with studying decision-based outcomes. Using the potential outcomes framework, I will discuss novel total effects relevant to disparity in health status and novel direct effects relevant to disparity in healthcare decisions and their estimation by weighting procedures. The talk will be motivated by a multilevel healthcare intervention designed to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in hypertension control.