Joint Quantitative Brownbag


Xiaoming Zhai

Dr. Xiaoming Zhai
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Education
Mary Frances Early College of Education
University of Georgia

Dr. Xiaoming Zhai is Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Science and Social Studies Education at the Mary Frances Early College of Education at the University of Georgia. He is also Director of AI4STEM Education Center. With a background in curriculum and instruction (physics), and expertise in assessment and measurement theory and science education with a focus on physics, his research focuses on AI/machine learning-based innovative assessment practices in science, learning progression, mobile learning in science, and science teacher education and career motivation.


AI and Formative Assessment: The Train Has Left the Station


Researchers have been questioning AI –whether we can and should use AI for formative assessment. AI is already being employed, for better or worse, to facilitate formative assessment in various educational contexts. In this talk, Dr. Zhai will demonstrate research on AI-based assessment in science education. He will respond to the many concerns raised in the field regarding AI being used for formative assessment practices. He argues that the focus of research should be on how we can help educators manage an AI revolution that has outpaced a research community caught unaware and recognize the remarkable progress that AI has contributed to formative assessment.